展覽單元 Exhibition programs
8 月 19日 (SAT) – 9 月 3 日 (SUN) 12: 00 – 17: 00 / 免費參觀(週日休館 / Closed on Sundays)
地點/ Location: 台北台電大樓1樓副樓展場空間/ 1F- Exhibition space of Taiwan Power Company
開幕茶會/ Opening: 8/19 (SAT) 12:00 pm
錄像裝置展 Video Exhibition/ 俄羅斯現在與未來國際錄像藝術節 International Video Art Festival Now&After
策展人/ Curator : Marina Fomenko
藝術家/ Artists: Gianluca Abbate, Anna-Karin Brus, Natasha Dahnberg, Marina Fomenko, Lucie Libotte, Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, Lisi Prada.
“Ecoscope” is the observation “instrument” for ecological processes, combining the camera and the artist’s eye (from eco/ecology – science about interaction organisms and their groups between each other and with environment; scope – optical device, Greek σκοπέω – observing). We live in one whole ecosystem, but each artist customizes the “ecoscope” under his/her artistic optics, identifying both disease symptoms and health outcomes.
Video worksofartistsfrom different countries concern with the topic of ecology and human-nature relationships. Theyare wake up call for ones, and approaching to the point of no return for others. Growthofbigcitiesand environment pollution, accumulationofdust andhuman intervention in plants’ and animals’ existence, self-sufficient nature’s life and maintenance of ecological balance are in the focus of Ecoscope participants.
此展覽「生態觀測器」建議以主題生態環境與人和自然之間的關係去思考。「生態觀測器」是ㄧ個觀測的器具,讓生態學的進程結合了攝像鏡頭與藝術家之眼「從生態環境、生態之科學上關於生物有機體的互動和彼此群體之間和環境; scope 探測器:光學儀器,希臘文σκοπέω指觀察的」。我們居住在一個生態系統,但每位藝術家依據藝術家們的藝術光學定做了自己的生態觀測器,標識出病害徵兆和健康結果的兩端。大城市的成長、塵土的累積、人類介入這地球與動物的生存、生態平衡的維持、這個生態主題在藝術家的作品中,似乎像似一種警世。自給自足的自然生活及人為的影響、詩歌般的反思和環境遭遇成了展覽參與者的焦點。

Gianluca Abbate
Panorama, Italy, 2014, 7:15
Gianluca Abbate invites us to the polis, endlessly growing global city-state, which absorbed cities’ overpopulation, their garbage and the remains of wildlife ("Panorama").
贊布羅塔阿巴特邀請邀請我們看這個大都會,不斷增長的全球化城市,吸收了城市的人口過剩,其所製造出的垃圾和野生動物的遺骸- 「全景」影像。

Anna-Karin Brus
Jungle, Part II, Sweden, 2011, 9:28
Anna-Karin Brus creates a sonic world of forest dwellers. In the audiovisual work "Jungle, Part II», relying on the ability to identify herself with a variety of living creatures, the artist brings together a collage of nature sounds with onomatopoeic poetic video text, giving viewers the opportunity to create in imagination the pictures of animals whose voices they listen.
安娜 - 卡琳·布魯斯創造一個森林居住者的聲音世界。 在本件影音作品「叢林,第二部曲」憑藉著鑑定自己與多樣化生物的能力,藝術家帶來大自然的拼貼聲音隨著擬聲詩意的影像文字,讓觀眾有機會創造在想像裡的動物圖片所發出的聲音。

Natasha Dahnberg
Herbarium, Sweden, 2015, 6:05
Anna-Karin Brus creates a sonic world of forest dwellers. In the audiovisual work "Jungle, Part II», relying on the ability to identify herself with a variety of living creatures, the artist brings together a collage of nature sounds with onomatopoeic poetic video text, giving viewers the opportunity to create in imagination the pictures of animals whose voices they listen.
娜塔莎·丹恩伯格(Natasha Dahnberg)在她的作品“植物標本館”中展示了一朵花,清楚地表明了人類在尋求改造大自然的過程中所使用的方式其實是以無法挽回的方式在破壞大自然。

Marina Fomenko
Modus Operandi / Lotus&Viola, Russia, 2013, 8:46
Marina Fomenko in her video "Modus Operandi / Lotus&Viola" refers to the subject of the maintenance of ecological balance and preservation of the unique ancient basins on the example of cleaning of the 12th century water garden in Kyoto.

Lucie Libotte
Dust Matter 1, UK, 2013, 3:15
Lucie Libotte sees thoroughly into the essence of the urban dust, classifies it by species and its habitats, revealing at the same time how unexpectedly beautiful the dust can be when gazing intently into it ("Dust Matter 1").
露西·萊波特(Lucie Libotte)徹底洞悉城市塵埃的本質,依照物種及棲息地將其加以分類,同時揭露出在注視塵埃時所發現出乎意料的美麗(“塵埃1”)。

Alexandra Mitlyanskaya
Babylon 2, Russia, 2014, 8:40
Alexandra Mitlyanskaya in her work "Babylon 2" shows life in captivity, or, according to the artist, "chicken women's high-security prison."

Lisi Prada
ELECTRonIC Water, Spain, 2013, 3:14
Lisi Prada filmed waters around her home country, Spain: Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean Sea. Infused with electromagnetic waves and music, water remains a source of inspiration for artists and one of the main components of our lives ("ELECTRonIC Water").
麗絲普拉達拍攝環繞她的祖國的海:西班牙:大西洋,比斯開灣和地中海,充滿了電磁波和音樂,水仍然是藝術家創作靈感的源泉也是我們的生活的主要組成部分之一 「電子,水」。