Date 4/18~ 4/19
單元影像播放與座談會 Video Screening program and conference 4/18- 4/19
地點:高雄院子劇場 2F/3F (803高雄市五福四路196號)
Location: Yard / Theatre 2F/3F (196, Wufu 4th Rd., Kaohsiung City 803)
4月18日(SAT) 15:00 – 21:00
播映/ Screening program:
2F:15:00-17:00 (TW)、17:00-18:00 (JP)、18:30-20:00 (KR)
3F:15:00-16:30 (SG)、16:30-17:30 (CH)、18:00-19:00 (FR)
表演+ 座談/ Performance+ Conference:20:00-21:00
出席者Attendee:Gilles Massot、劉芳一 Fang-Yi Liu、Urich Lau、洪韵婷Yun-Ting Hung、鄒逸真I-Chen Tsou、何尉民Wei-Ming Ho
4月19日(SUN) 15:00 – 21:00
播映/ Screening program:
2F:15:00-17:00 (TW)、17:00-18:00 (JP)、18:30-20:00 (KR)
3F:15:00-16:30 (SG)、16:30-17:30 (CH)、18:00-19:00 (FR)
播映單元/ Screening programs :
台灣120分鐘影像單元/ programsof tamtamart taipei & A.S.C
日本東京前衛影像藝術節60分鐘影像單元/ HORS PISTES TOKYO
中國上海N分鐘錄像藝術節 60分鐘影像單元/ N-Minutes Video Art Festival
新加坡藝術村90分鐘影像單元/ The Artists Village
韓國90分鐘影像單元/ Community space Litmus
法國藝術空間60分鐘影像單元/ program of Le Gran Lux & Ker*


N-Minutes Video Art Festival
1. Sera FUKUZAKI/ Deep Scratches of Glowing Blue Disc : 1’00”
2. Mariko Sugihara/ My mother’s name – Discovery edition : 14’00”
3. UMMMI/ Desktop treasure : 9’00”
4. Masayuki Kawai/ IN/OUT : 8’00”
5. Shuhei Nishiyama/ timeless video: 1/100 times 100: 9’00”
6. Isamu HIRABAYASHI/ 663114 : 8’00”
1. Cheng Ran 程然, 2012, Angels For The Millennium《千禧年的天使》, 7’45”
2. Elian易连, 2013, The Waking of Insects 《惊蛰》, 8’40”
3. Guan Xiao 关小,2013, David, 4’43”
4. Jiang Zhi蒋志, 0.7% Salt 《0.7%的盐》,8’35”
5. Li Ming 李明, 2012, Tools《工具》, 7’32”
6. LI XIAOFEI 李消非, A Packet of Salt《一包盐》, 7’ 26”
7. LU CHUNSHENG 陆春生, 2014,“No discussion of our future if you stop slurping your soup and pee quietly!” 《小声喝汤小声小便就不能谈论永恒了!》, 3’50”
8. Mu Jin 木巾, 2011,Second office《第二办公室》, 13'32”
9. XU ZHE 徐喆, 2014,Water fowl《水鸟》,7’11”
10. Zhang Lehua张乐华, 2012, Facebook art demo《脸书教程》, 11’27”

Community space Litmus
1. Sinifie/ Imaginary Line : 12’00”
2. June Park/ Retelling : 15’00”
3. Hye-jung Shim/ The Camel and the Arab : 30’00”
4. Sook-hyun Kim/ The Conversation with Dr. Mouse : 10’00”
5. Sang-woo Kang/ Anmado(安馬鳥) : 3’00”
6. Yoo-hee KO/ Island Blues : 15’00”
7. Hong-bing Kim/ It’s hawk that takes pheasant : 4’00”
8. Oh Eun LEE/ Sawol:13’00”

Taiwan program

tamtamart Taipei 單元:
1. 吳梓寧Tzu-Ning Wu/ Cyber Native : 5’21”
2. 杜珮詩Pei-Shih Tu/ Last will : 7’15”
3. 范曉嵐Hsiao-Lan Fan/ The Revolutionary Road:28’57”
4. 陳依純I-Chun Chen/ Little Black's Whole Life in the Factory : 10’00”
5. 葉育君YuJun Ye & Alexis Mailles/ Pacific Romance : 3’48”
ASC 單元:
6. 吳燦政 Tsan - Cheng Wu/ the Walking City: 8' 00"
7. 詹育杰 Yu-Chieh Chan/ At the end of the game: 4’20
8. 孫瑞鴻 Ruey-Horng Sun/ car wash: 11’56”
9. 樊智銘 Chih-Ming Fan/ landscape: 5’20”
10. 侯建呈 Hou Chien Cheng/ All the Others: 10’16”
11. 何昱達 Yuda Ho/ The Dundee Train: 1’36”
12. 徐嘒壎 Hui-Hsuan Hsu/ Settlement?: 10’04”
13. 吳宜曄 I-Yeh, Wu/ In the future: 3’35”
14. 李若玫 Jo-Mei LEE/ Ishigaki Jima: 12’32”
15. 鄭先喻 Xian-Yu Zheng / isISis:5' 00" version/ flexible 即時生成無片長(5分鍾輸出版本)

The Artists Village
1. Christopherson Ho/ Mindfulness: 1:26
2. Jason J S Lee/ As Aimless As the Conversation: 9:26
3. Jacquelyn Soo/ Run Coney Run:4:42
4. Chand Chandramohan/ Journey and Spit: 10:00
5. Marcel Gaspar/ R.T.T.P.: 4:00
6. Sophia Natasha Wei Junhao(withMabel Sim Jiahui)/ Los(s)/(t):8:00
7. Ezzam Rahman(with Daniela Beltrani)/ Ignite: 6:00
8. Jeremy Hiah/ Aliennation: 19:05
9. Urich Lau/ Life Circuit – Headshot: 1:32
10. Gilles Massot/ Love Hurts – Tales from the Heartland: 10:11

法國 Le Gran Lux

1.Buda/Ornamental films, Gran Lux : 6'12"
2.Goldman Krash/RioJim (Etienne Caire), Atelier MTK : 6'56"
3.Loops 1/Ornamental films, Gran Lux : 3'40"
4.Loops 2/Ornamental films, Gran Lux : 5'37"
5.Loops 4 /Ornamental films, Gran Lux: 4'57"
6.Bubsy 66/RioJim (Etienne Caire), Atelier MTK : 6'00”
7.Focus Fastax : 2'14"
8.Anonymous vidéos + bonus /anonymous people: 27'00”