台灣/ Taiwan: (台北場:8/18, 15:30 / 高雄場:8/26, 20:00)
Digital Break: New Perspectives on Taiwanese Moving Image
The subject of Taiwan Program this year is “Digital Break”.The project attempts to remove the viewer from full-on media exposure, so as to ask questions about contemporary time and space, perception, memory, and eternity through a reflexive discourse in digital environmentsvia hybrid texts. All 8 selected Taiwanese artists grew up in the digital era, and their workscan be seen as responses tocontemporary phenomenaassociated with digital technology, whilstcreating a dialogue across the boundary of film and video art. Through their work, the artists ask us toanalyse our intimacywith the organic world, our feelings about the world around us, and the moment that we are experiencing.
(Curated by Wen-Chi Wang).
藝術家&作品/ List of artists & works:
1. 林仕杰 LIN Shih- Chieh, 解體概要/ A Short History of Decay, 5'45", 2014
(8/18 開幕放映+特別版演出feat. 聲音藝術家楊邵安Yang Xanthe)
2. 沈穎芳 SHEN Ying-Fang, 波心/ In The Waves,5'38", 2015
3. 陳瀅如 CHEN Yin-Ju、洪子健 James T. HONG, 解密外訊/End Transmission, 15'31", 2010
4. 吳其育 WU Chi-Yu, 折射/ Refraction, 9'46", 2015
5. 牛俊強 NIU Jun-Qiang, 當我和你老去/ When I am Getting Older With you, 05'10", 2009
6. 吳梓安 WU Tzu-An , 伊人/ YI-REN (The Person of Whom I Think), 13'44", 2015
7. 鄧雯馨 TENG Wen-Hsin, Floating, 4'27", 2015
8. 倪祥NI Hsiang, 這也是沒辦法的事/ There's nothing I / you can do, 8'57", 2013
日本/ Japan: (台北場: 8/21, 13:00 / 高雄場: 8/26, 20:00)
日本東京跨領域藝術節本次帶來2016年的藝術節放映單元,作品包含選自2015-2016參與藝術家。這些特別的影像作品選自跨領域藝術節的觀點,同時對社會議題提出尖銳疑問。(策展人: Sung Nam Han)
IAFT screening programs
Interdisciplinary Art Festival Tokyo is happy to present "IAFT16 VIDEO screening" program that shows the works by the artists who participated in IAFT15/16. These special video works are selected from the point of view of Interdisciplinary Art and full of edgy questions of social issues. (Curated by Sung Nam Han).
藝術家&作品/ List of artists & works:
1. OKADA Hiroko,EXERCISES, 8min 48sec., 2014
2. HAN Sung Nam, Wearing You, 6min 30sec., 2016
3. WADA Masahiro, KOBU, 20min., 2015
4. NISHIYAMA Shuhei, time strip, 12min., 2016
5. IIMURA Takahiko, MAKING AN AUDIENCE, 12min., 2006/2013
韓國/ South Korea: (台北場: 8/19, 16:00 / 高雄場: 8/27, 13:00)
韓國實驗電影單元由手工製作電影實驗室空間(Hand-made Film Lab SPACE CELL)策展人,導演Jangwook Lee策劃, 此單元旨在提供韓國當代藝術實踐的一瞥。藝術家們的作品很難以三言兩語簡單定義。但Jangwook Lee 相信這會是一個很好的機會去體驗那些平常接觸不到的事物。此單元包含5部作品,藝術家們都來自於不同地區,因此在作品中也將呈現不同的獨特性。
(策展人:Jangwook Lee)。
Korean Experimental film program curated by Jangwook Lee
This program aims to provide glimpse of Korean contemporary practice. It’s not easy to confine artist’s works with short words. But I believe it will be a good chance to experience which are untouchable.
The program will provides 5 works. Artists of works are from different areas, and will show their very uniqueness.
(Curated by Jangwook Lee).
藝術家&作品/ List of artists & works:
1. HyeJeong Cho, Apparatus and Cabinet , HD,13 min, sound, 2016
2. Mihye Cha, Gazing at Kim, SD, 5min 50sec, silent, 2015
3. Sook Hyun Kim, You'd be Nowhere, HD, 26:30, sound, 2016
4. HayoungJeon , I Shall Erase That Sound , HD, 14’33, sound, 2016
5. Sung-Kwon Jeon, The Last Poem, 16mm film transferred to HD, 9min, silent, 2000-2015
中國/ China: (台北場: 8/19, 14:30 / 高雄場: 8/28, 13:00 )
上海N分鐘錄像藝術節本次選片涉及四位頗具代表性的當代演出者,年齡跨度從六零後直到八零後,同樣以動畫為創作媒介,卻呈現出迥異的風格與狀態。 其中,觀念演出者陳劭雄來自廣東,他著名的《墨水系列》將日常生活中的存在狀態與細節感知、個體對城市的觸感、公民對政治氛圍的體驗、媒體印象及對歷史的疑問,以水墨加錄影的方式進行了紀錄、思考、反芻和批判。 孫遜近年來頻繁活躍在國際舞臺,其所有動畫作品完全以手工水墨繪製或木刻完成,對歷史的著迷,通過由他創作的超現實形象和動物符號們重新圖解,作品呈現出現實的荒誕性和演出者清醒中的幽默。 吳俊勇的動畫作品以剪影為成像基礎,勾畫出雷同社戲劇台的現場感,本次參展的兩部作品:《時間的胃》是前期對現實主義探究的終結,《月升》是近期對純視覺光影藝術的創作體驗。 葉淩瀚生於1985年,在四位演出者中最年輕。 他的動畫作品通常以手工繪製,關注于圖像、時間、敘事、美學與藝術創作之間的關係,他對實驗影像的理解和嘗試造就了一派另類、沉靜又蠢蠢不安的獨特氣質。(策展人:黎寧春)。
The program presents the selection of films involving four fairly representative contemporary artists who were born in post- 60s to 80s generation. All of them use the same medium - animation, but created widely different style and status. (Curated by Ning-Chun Li).
藝術家&作品/ List of artists & works:
陳劭雄 Chen Shaoxiong:
1.墨水城市/Ink City, Video (black and white, sound), 3 min, 2005
2.墨水日記/InkDiary, Video (black and white, sound), 3 min, 2006
3.墨水東西/InkThings, Video (black and white, sound), 3 min, 2007
4.墨水歷史/Ink History, Video (black and white, sound), 3 min, 2008-2010
5.墨水媒體 /Ink Media, Video (black and white, sound), 3 min 45 sec,2013
6. 一場革命中還未來得及定義的行為/Some Actions Which Haven't Been Defined Yet in the Revolution, animation, 12 min 22 sec, 2011
7. 龍年往事/ What Happen in Past Dragon Year, animation, 10 min, 2014
吳俊勇 Wu Junyong:
8. 時間的胃/ Time of Stomach, animation, 8 min 15 sec, 2011
9. 月升/ Moon Sing, animation, 5 min 20 sec, 2015
葉淩瀚 Ye Linhan:
10. 這是可樂/ It's The Cola, animation, 3min, 2013
11. 最終實驗飛行體/ Last experimental flying object, animation, 7min, 2013
英國/ UK: (台北場: 8/19, 13:00 / 高雄場: 8/27, 13:00)
帶來精選影片,內容包含後殖民主義,移民,記憶,家庭,及在整個宇宙混亂的環境下所發展出的新思想。(策展人:Jamie Wyld and Moritz Cheung)
videoclub – programme
Final Frontiers
Final Frontiers brings together a collection of films exploring post-colonialism, migration, memory, home, and new ideas developed in the chaos of the universe. (Curated by Jamie Wyld and Moritz Cheung).
藝術家&作品/ List of artists & works:
1. Larry Achiampong& David Blandy, Finding Fanon Part 2, 9’13”, 2015
2. Chooc Ly Tan, New Materials in the Reading of the World, 5’20”, 2011
3. Ben Rivers, A World Rattled of Habit, 10’16”, 2008
4. Adam Chodzko, Knots, 8’05”, 2013
5. Alia Syed, Points of Departure, 16’32”, 2014
6. Upanishad Kanad Chakrabarti, Shift + F9, 4’, 2015
西班牙/ Spain: (台北場: 8/21, 15:30 / 高雄場: 8/28, 13:00)
這些作品的選擇提供了尖刻, 奇特和批判的素材由西班牙錄像藝術家們所製作,而這些作品大部分或已通過MADATAC藝術節正式國際競賽的年度評審團成員挑選。難以界定的邂逅及具強烈雕塑感的有機素材驅動著這夢幻與現實的影像,並且衍生出不同的形式,透過這些,我們可能觀察到其捕捉到的感知與情緒所構織而成的不同景色,就如同作品中揭露出失眠的身軀一樣。(策展人: Iury Lech)。
This selection of works offers a caustic, unusual and critical corpus of works produced by Spanish video artists, which all had been part or have been awarded by the prestigious annual jury members of MADATAC Official International Competitive Section. Here both dreamlike visions and realistic ones -oriented by networks of the intangible encounter organic textures of great sculptural intensity and expand into different forms, through which we may observe the dissimilar landscapes of captive sensations and emotions, as well as the one that expose the wakeful body.
(Curated by Iury Lech )
藝術家&作品/ List of artists & works:
1. ALBERT MERINO, LA ESENCIA DE LA PIEDRA, Soundtrack: Miguel Angel Merino, Pedro Aznar, Leon Dane (Alcalica), Albert Merino, 07' 53", 2013
2. CLARA APARICIO YOLDI, FRAGMENTED MEMORY, Soundtrack: Ciara Clifford, 03’ 04”, 2013
3. JUAN CARLOS SANCHEZ DUQUE, Todo lo que usted siempre quiso saber sobre la comunicación pero nunca se atrevió a preguntar (Everything you always wanted to know about communication but were afraid to ask), 7’ 35”, 2015
4. MARTA AZPARREN, Pervisiones, 4’ 00”, 2015
5. IURY LECH, TRANSMORPH REALITIES, Soundtrack: Iury Lech, 01’ 50”, 2013
6. BELÉN PATÓN, CITY OF CAVES, Soundtrack: Belen Patón, 06’ 45”, 2012
7. FERNANDO GARCÍA MALMIERCA, Fortress Utopia, Soundtrack: Ethan Moloidia, 5’ 36”, 2015
8. ALFREDO BARROSO, PICTORIALISM, Soundtrack, DESTROBOY (Iury Lech), 2' 34", 2012
9. ALBERT BAYONA, Cosmonaut, Soundtrack: Music by Darius Milhaud - Maurice Martenot, 5’ 00’’, 2015
10. ANA MARCOS & ANGELA RUIZ, entreVELADAS, Soundtrack: Experimental Little Monkey. «Córcega e
Formosa», from the álbum Wasted & Lo-Fi, 4’ 07’’, 2014
11. PATXI ARAUJO, Variation#2 [Tribute to Giordano], Soundtrack: Patxi Araujo, 8’ 54”, 2015
12. MARINA NUÑEZ, Ingenio 3 [Inés] (Device 3, [Inés]), Soundtrack: Marina Núñez, 3’ 15’’, 2010
13. ELENA GAZTELUMENDI, Leak Out / Defacebook Serie, Soundtrack: ITT, «X-RAYS», 4’08’’, 2013
Special transition / selection, Rafaël, 5'05, 5', 2016 (5'05 made in Korea/ World premiere)