台灣/ Taiwan
洪韵婷 Yun-Ting Hung
生於臺灣台南,2006年自台灣藝術大學藝術造型藝術研究所畢業,2009年受邀於德國德勒斯登Ostrale國際當代藝術展覽中展出,獲得評審團獎 ; 2010年以大師班傑出藝術家文憑畢業於德國國立德勒斯登高等藝術學院,至今,作品曾展於紐約、巴黎、柏林等地。同年,2010年於柏林SecondHome Projects藝廊策劃「Here is where we meet」、於tamtamART藝術協會策展「8 Femmes大女圖」。自2011年起,接任tamtamART藝術協會藝術總監一職,策劃一系列活動:「星期五電影 Freitagskino」、「聲音之夜 Klangabend」、「櫥窗裝置 Window Installation」,並陸續策展:「Scenery。Utopie。Quiet」、「Book like object」、「Typosphäre」及「(CON)TEMPORARY SPACE-TIME」等,旨在醞釀一個跨文化、跨疆界的交流平台。
Yun-Ting Hung was born in Tainan. In 2006, she accomplished her degree Master of Art, postgraduate studies at National Taiwan University of Arts. In 2008, she attended the Kunsthochschule für Bildenden Künste in Dresden for Meisterstudium. Hung has exhibited widely internationally. Her important shows include the Halle am Wasser, Berlin(2011) ; National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Taiwan, (2010); International exhibition for contemporary art Ostrale 09 Dresden Germany (2009). At the same time she received her Public award, Ostrale 09 and Freeman Foundation Asian Artist’s Fellowship. Hung has served as an artistic director and curator of tamtamART Art Association since 2011. She intends to build up new thoughts and concepts and to form a unique style of tamtamART through conversations with local audiences in Berlin and artists and curators from other parts of the world. She had curated a series of activities:「Freitagskino」、「Klangabend」、「Window Installation」,exhibitions:「Scenery。Utopie。Quiet」、「Book like object」and「Typosphäre」、「 (Con)temporary space-time」etc.
鄒逸真 I-Chen Tsou
1983生於臺灣台北。2008取得國立台灣藝術大學美術系暨輔系電影系學士學位。2010取得法國格諾柏勒高等美術學院學士學位,並於2012以特優評分取得該校造形藝術碩士文憑。作品以身體、行為觀念及錄像為主。錄像作品曾於2010獲得法國巴黎錄像藝術節第三名,為唯一獲獎亞州人。2011起加入tamtamART藝術協會,共同規劃執行展覽,策劃經歷包括2011年度MPA-B空間聯合展「Lose Weight Exercise」、以及以德、奧、台籍女性藝術家組成的聯展「Shaping Soul」。現為tamtamART TAIPEI IPIX負責人。
Born in Taipei, Taiwan. In 2008 she obtained a bachelor's degree of fine arts, also of motion cinema from National Taiwan University of Arts. In 2010 she obtained another bachelor’s degree of fine arts from ÉSAD ( L'École Supérieure d’Art et Design Grenoble-Valence, France). Later in 2012, she obtained a master’s degree with premium grades from ÉSAD. Ichen’s works focus on body art, conceptual act art, video art. One of her video works won third prize in the Festival of video art in Paris, France, 2010, she is the only Asian of all award winners. In the same year, her short film was selected by 3th Festival Formosa film, Lyon, France, and later in 2012 the film was invited to play in Documentary Month, France. Since 2011, She joins tamtamART art association as curator. Her curatorial experiences including "Lose Weight Exercise", a joint exhibition in MPA-B 2011 annual program. As well as "Shaping Soul", a group exhibition of Germany, Austria, Taiwanese female artists.
日本/ Japan
Chizuru Usui
現為自由工作者、策展人、節目策劃、日本Happy Tent單位的總監。目前擔任2015第七屆東京惠比壽映像祭策展人、2015 HORS PISTES TOKYO 東京影像藝術節策展人。
曾在日本國家電影中心、 東京國立現代美術館從事助理策展工作,並獲得日本文化廳的海外研究計畫基金在紐約進行研究。回到日本後著手進行各種角色,包括在東京和其他城市的電影節與表演藝術節的編輯和策展人,特別是身為為東京Hors Pistes影像藝術節的節目策展人與柏林影展到日本仙台舉辦的節目活動、東京大都會寫真美術館舉辦的惠比壽映像祭節的節目策劃者。她身為Happy Tent總監,這是一個另類的團隊, 專門組織電影錄像的放映和日本國內外的藝術活動,並生產電影錄像作品。
Freelance curator/programmer, director of Happy Tent.
After working as a curatorial assistant at the National Film Center, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, USUI received a fellowship from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, in the 'Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists' for her research in New York City. Upon returning to Japan, she has held various roles, including Editor and Curator, in film festivals and performing art festivals in Tokyo and other cities, most notably as the Program Director for Hors Pistes Tokyo and for Berlinale in Sendai, Programmer of the Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions (Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography). She is a director of Happy Tent, an alternative team organizes film/video screenings and art events in Japan and abroad, and produces film/video works.
中國/ China
黎寧春 Ning-Chun Li
黎寧春是N分鐘影像藝術節的創始人和總策展人,作為中國第一個年度的國際影像藝術節,其計畫項目涉及錄像、新媒體和表演藝術,2014年是第四屆。黎寧春近年的策劃影像計畫包括:N分鐘影像藝術節2011-2014、西班牙新媒體藝術節特約策展2014、三月空間藝術破牆系列2011-2014、 廣東時代美術館N-Box影像策展2013、巴西影像藝術節中國錄影單元策展2013、歐洲媒體藝術節EMAF中國影像特邀策展2012。
Graduated from University Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne with a Masters in Curatorial Studies in2007, Chief-Curator of N-Minutes video art festival since 2011.
As a curator, Ningchun is interested in video art as well as public art. Her work involves curating and research into contemporary public art. In 2011, Ningchun launched a series of art activities entitled “Wall Breaking”, in which she transformed Shanghai, one of China’s 1st-tier cities, as an open experimental space. Using public spaces — shopping malls and advertising screens — as her exhibition venues, she used the interactive nature of public art to extend the territory of art and to create a dialogue between society, space and commerce.
Li Ningchun is the founder and Chief-curator of the N-Minutes Video Art Festival, which was the 1st international festival of this kind organized in China. This project involved video, new media and performance art. It is celebrating its 4th edition in 2014.
新加波/ Singapore
Urich Lau
新加坡的視覺藝術家Urich Lau出生於 1975 年,他從事錄影藝術、 攝影、 版畫製作。他已經在新加坡和其他國家包括馬來西亞、 印尼、 泰國、 中國、 日本、 澳大利亞、 塞爾維亞和美國展出。他也是獨立策展人和錄像藝術組織者也與新加坡和國際藝術家與藝術團體合作。他取得墨爾本皇家理工大學美術碩士學位,並在新加坡拉薩爾藝術學院擔任藝術講師。他也是自 2007 年的新加坡版畫協會和自2009 年的新加坡藝術村成員且為 2011 年新加坡古德曼藝術中心的駐村藝術家。
Singaporean visual artist Urich Lau Wai-Yuen was born in 1975, he works with video art, photography and printmaking. He has exhibited in Singapore and other countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Japan, Australia, Serbia and the USA. He is also an independent curator and organiser for video art and has worked with artists and art groups in Singapore and internationally –Displacement Project: Bandung-Singapore 2006 in Singapore and Bandung in 2006; Videology presented by the Substation in Singapore in 2008; Rooted In The Ephemeral Speak (R.I.T.E.S.) - “Photocopy Masterpieces, Video Mirror” at the Substation in Singapore in 2010; and Videologue – Video Art Exhibition / Exchange by Beijing and Singapore Artists at Sunshine International Art Museum in Beijing in 2011 and following in January 2012 at the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore. He holds a Master of Fine Art degree from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and works as an art lecturer at LASALLE College of the Arts. He is also a member of Printmaking Society Singapore since 2007 and The Artist Village since 2009, and a resident-artist at the Goodman Arts Centre of Singapore since 2011.
韓國/ South Korea
Yongsung Paik
1969生於韓國,現為韓國石蕊社區藝術空間Community space Litmus主持人、韓國慶熙大學(Kyung Hee University)人類學教授。長年致力于異文化、跨文化交流。
法國/ France
Christophe Leymarie
自2013年開始 Christophe Leymarie於Bratislava、Brno和Taipei等地,從事視覺藝術展覽及實驗電影的策劃工作。
在他主持上海世界博覽會的周邊文化活動與歐洲文化之都的計畫之後,2013年,Christophe Leymarie創立了位於法國里昂的非營利機構:Ker*。
Christophe Leymarie/ Ker*
formed at Sciences Po Lyon and in several organizations. He develops, coordinates cultural projects including Central and Eastern Europe in connection with France and the European Union over the last fifteen years. After being in charge of cultural events around the Shanghai Universal Exhibition, project European Capital of Culture in 2013 he founded Ker *.
Ker* works to date about visual & performing arts projects, in connection with the Višegrad area: Central Europe including Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic and Asia especially Taiwan.
Since 2013 Christophe Leymarie worked as a curator for visual art exhibition, Experimental cinema in Bratislava, Brno, Taipei.