Risa Takita
出身東京,居住工作於阿姆斯特丹,畢業於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹皇家藝術學院,擔任過日本中之條町雙年展助理策展人、東京大都會美術館表演計畫‐Zen Performance project、Mediations 雙年展等策展計劃。也曾於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹Young Blood Initiative OT301與VAP, Amsterdam dance、海牙Cass, Royal Academy of Art、鹿特丹Female Focus, Camera Japan Festival、德國 柏林Bind, Art Festival、義大利Inter Azioni Performance Festival與Gastronomic & Cinema Festival、日本Recovery RoomMMAC Festival、波蘭Tirvyous WagonMozg Art Festival等等表演藝術節演出。
演出節目 Love
愛是人類、社會、社區轉變過程中的一個元素, 讓我們探詢生命的意義, 並發掘未知的新世界…
愛可以是衝突, 尊重, 豐足, 嫉妒, 情感, 幸福的主要情緒.
在現代社會中, 我們有時很容易忘記與彼此分享這種愛的感覺。
從我們的內心重新思考界線, 尊重和分享皆會促成這些不同變化
巧克力是愛的隱喻, 箇中甜蜜融化進我們的內心。
它治癒了我們的疲憊和忙碌的生活, 誤會, 恐懼, 悲傷, 焦慮。
這是一場互動表演, 旨在與人們, 觀眾, 居民分享愛的感覺, 讓城市生活可以有些改變。
How do we heal us in urban life ?
love is one of the transformation process for people, and society, community to inquire the meaning of our life, and to explore new unknown world.
Love could be conflict, respect, abundance, jealousy, emotional, happiness as primary emotions.
In modern society its sometimes easy to forget this feeling to share each other.
the changes occurs from the inside of our mind to think again about boundary, respect and sharing.
chocolate is metaphor of love.
sweet and melting into our heart.
it heals our tiredness and hectic life, understanding, fear, sadness, anxiety.
This is interactive performance which share love with people, visitors, citizens.
to change urban life.
we could taste love with people