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MAGNETAn² 、 鐳 、 微粒子 



作為一位跨界藝術家,在過 去 的30年間積極投身於音樂、影像藝術和文學創作領域,同時還是西班牙電子影像藝術領域中少數在音樂表演中啟用視覺效果的先鋒人物。他那開放而不拘一格的風格中透出先鋒派的影子,隨著緊密的影音衝擊而來的是流動的催眠氛圍和對實驗主義的另類思索。那些由他自 製 音軌的影像作品,和他的現場演出一樣,囊括了有針對性的多媒體舞台設置,從而最大程度的借助於互動式感知科技。他曾於諸多場合和活動中展示他的影像作品和現場演出,包括 奧 地利電子藝術節、西班牙未來藝術節、ISEA 國際電子藝術研討會、SONAR、Videoformes 影像 藝術節、馬德里和塞維利亞新音樂節、巴塞羅那實驗藝術節、紐約“紡織工廠”、馬德里 POPKOMM實驗藝術節等等。在2013 的土耳其伊茲梅爾雙年展上,他受邀作為官方藝術家出席,並榮獲“最佳影像藝術裝置”大獎。除了一貫的創作天賦外,近期他在製作人和導演領域的 雄心也正逐漸展露。 2008年他參與製作了一檔命為Transfera《轉移》的又參與了MADATAC 馬德里國際當代影音及新媒體藝術節的策展與執行工作,並於2009 年開電子藝術推廣計畫; 此後開啟了其他一些獨立計劃。2013年他層受邀作為法國Videoformes 影像藝術節、羅馬 Mash電 影節和韓國 EXIS Exprimental 藝術節國際評審。以及至今遍及各地的現場演出、電台錄製、虛擬博物館建製、策展、演講、評審等工作。

MAGNETAn²,Audio-visual digital processes, 5’ 00”, 2021 

MAGNETAn² is the first piece of a series of electrovisions focusing on the microscopic scale of the optical and aural microcollisions and fluctuations, constructed just like the universe, were no matter their dimensions it's all composed of the tiniest pieces of substance. Molecular nitrogen or dinitrogen is a homonuclear diatomic molecule formed by two nitrogen atoms that are joined by a covalent triple bond as can be seen in its structure of the lewis of n2. Nitrogen is the main component of the earth's atmosphere and is obtained for industrial uses by fractional distillation of liquid air. Science says that reality doesn't actually exist until we measure it - at least, not on the very small scale. Quantum physics predictions about interference seem odd enough when applied to light, which seems more like a wave, but to have done the experiment with atoms, which are complicated things that have mass and interact with electric fields, adds to the weirdness.

Radium,Audio-visual digital processes, 5’ 00”, 2021

RADIUM is the second piece of LUX SPECTRIS, a series of electrovisions focusing on the microscopic scale of the optical and aural microcollisions and fluctuations, constructed just like the universe, were no matter their dimensions it's all composed of the tiniest pieces of substance.  

From the particles of a "Papaver somniferum", the expansive process of electromagnetic radiation generates a gravitational collapse produced by the alkaloids derived from papaver, nitrogenous organic compounds that are synthesized through a reactive metabolic pathway, to end up expanding in a translucent reticular sphere that emanates solar irradiance. 


Corpuscular,Audio-visual digital processes, 5’ 00”, 2021 

CORPUSCULAR is the third piece of LUX SPECTRIS, a series of electrovisions focusing on the microscopic scale of the optical and aural microcollisions and fluctuations, constructed just like the universe, were no matter their dimensions it's all composed of the tiniest pieces of substance.  

Unlike atoms, corpuscles are usually endowed with a property of their own and are further divisible, while atoms are neither. Corpuscularism is a set of theories that explain natural transformations as a result of the interaction of particles. An alchemy theory stated that mercury could penetrate into metals and modify their inner structure, a step on the way towards the production of gold by transmutation, inferring that unified sulfur and mercury corpuscles, differing in purity, size, and relative proportions, form the basis of a much more complicated process. 


Iury Lech(ES)

Iury Lech is a transdisciplinary digital artist that has developed his creativity working within the realm of video-art, music and literature, being part of the few pioneers in the Spanish electronic and digital audio-visual scene that in the 80’s/90’s began to develop visual-aural performances and video art works. His open and unclassifiable style permeates the tired avant-garde concept by means of textures that brings alive hypnotic visual and sonic atmospheres and an alternative way to conceive New Media Art experimentalism. At the end of the eighties and beginning of the nineties he published two of his celebrated albums, seminal references of international dark electronic ambient, Música para el fin de los cantos(1990), reissued in 2017 and followed by the remix album Reinterpretaciones (2018), and Otra rumorosa superficie (1989), reissued in 2019. Among his last numerous productions on these disciplines, it should be noted the creation of the Kinetic Pictures for the video art masterpiece Dye a V(east) and Domesticated Domestic Demons, a 7-channel video-installation; the sound sculpture album Ontonanology; his book The encapsulated image: Video Art as a spiral (2009), an essay on the practice and contemporaneity of the Video Art discipline, the anthology of his complete poetic work, in electronic book, under the title of Hiberpoiésis (Ed. Musa at 9), the trilogy of narrative and rhetorical intrigue Diuturno Inmolado, or his anthology & translation into Spanish on Ukrainian XX Century poetry Una iconografía del alma. Poesía ucraniana del siglo XX (Litoral/Unesco,1993) His digital video-art works, as well as his live performances, [], [], for which he also composed the soundtracks, involves a reactive multimedia stage set which, in addition to different generative image treatments, makes the most of interactive and sensorial immersion technology. He showed his video-art pieces and played live AV concerts at many venues and events such as Ars Electrónica, Art Futura, ISEA, SONAR, Video Festival Videoformes, Festival of New Musics of Madrid and Sevilla; the experimental cycle LEM in Barcelona; the Knitting Factory in New York; the Pop Komm Festival, the Festival Experimenta in Madrid, Festival Osmosis in Taiwán, ART BEIJING, DAFT Festival in Taipei_Taiwan, JMAF in Tokyo, Hong-Gah Museum Taipei, MURMUR Madrid Festival, ARTEFACT CHERNOBIL 33 Festival in Kiev, Ukraine. On May 2013 the 2nd Izmir Art Biennial in Turkey invited Iury Lech as an official artist, where the jury awarded him with the 1st prize for the Best Video Art installation. He has been invited as a jury member of Videoformes Fest (Clermont-Ferrand, France), MAshRome Film Fest (Rome, Italy) and EXIS Experimental Festival (Seoul, South Korea) et all. On the other side of his creative facet, we can point out his task as producer and director from 2007 of the weekly television program Transfera, specialized in the broadcast of audiovisual art, as well as the founding, direction, and programming of MADATAC, the INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY AUDIO-VISUAL & NEW MEDIA ART, and independent project initiated in 2009 and ongoing through the 12th edition. He has also impelled his project entitled Transmadatac Virtual Museum, an audiovisual art and advanced technologies on-line interactive cross-platform, dedicated to exhibit, promote, watch, acquire and collect new media art work. In January 2015 participates with his audio-visual work on the festival 700IS Reindeerland in Reykjavik, Iceland. In March 2015 he is invited to Bonn, Germany, by the international program of visits of the NRW KULTURsekretariat to participate as director of MADATAC, curator and artist in the VIDEONALE festival. At the same time he is the organizer and curator of the international itinerant program of Spanish Video Art VIDEOsPAIN: Transvisual Crossings (2015-2016), sponsored by the AECID and which is illustrated by a bilingual catalogue. In 2016 he curates the Spanish New Media Art exhibition “TRANSMORPHED REALITIES_The Abdication of the Visual Realm” and presents his Interactive video installation KINOMATICS. Korea Foundation (Seoul_South Korea, 6-28 September 2016). In 2019 he curates POST-DIGITAL ANTHROPOCENE New Media Art exhibition and presents his Interactive video installation KINOMATICS REDUX at NTMOFA_National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taichung_Taiwan, March 9 - June 16, 2019). In September 26, 2019, he inaugurates in Kiev, Ukraine, as organizer and curator, the ARTEFACT: CHERNOBIL 33 exhibition, an international exhibition of new digital media art. In December 18, 2019, he presents A Digital Realm for New Audio-Visual Art, a program of video art works as curator and artist at the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, Italy. His individual video art works are selected for the II Edition of the IMAGE PLAY International Video Art Festival, October 2020 (Funchal-Madeira). In March 2021 he is selected, along with 10 other European artists from among more than 120 candidates, to participate in exhibitions and concerts in September / October 2021 in Linz, Hannover, The Hague and Belgrade, thanks to the international project co-financed by Creative Europe Beyond Quantum Music, which aims to explore the connections between visual arts, music, and quantum physics through artistic experimentation, resulting in live performances and other interactions with European audiences. In 2020-21 he participates with his sound piece “Var Var” in the Audiosfera exhibition. Sound Experimentation 1980-2020, Museo Reina Sofía, from October 14, 2020 to January 11, 2021. In April 2021, the production and retransmission of “La radio es sueño” (Radio is dream), a radio drama on Radio 3 for which Iury Lech made the audiovisual content, was twice awarded in the TM BROADCAST ESPAÑA in the categories of best technical entertainment production and best technical production fictional: From 28 to 30 September 2021, he exhibit at AIFA21 his video installation “Quantum of time inside light”, at the Belval Campus of the University of Luxembourg and gives a talk at the Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Art Forum. He develop as curator and co-director at the International Art section of the Ukrainian Biennale of Digital and Media Art in Kiev,Ukraine, 15-30 October, 2021. His video art work “Runetic” is part of the 10 international works of the official selection of TRANSGRESSION art + technology (Pavilion) at the 5th Edition of the Wrong Biennale [November 2021,Portugal]. He has been invited to participate as part of the programme of the conference BNAIC/BENELEARN 2021, a reference AI & Machine Learning conference for Belgium, The Netherlands & Luxembourg, with his video installation “Quantum of time inside light” as a VR exhibition, event that will take place on 10-12 November 2021/ Beval, Esch-sur- Alzette (Luxembourg). 

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