Habitable Zone
length : 7:52
year of production : 2015
medium : Application and Quicktime
Unusual incident was happened in a volcanic island. Engineers are going ahead to the island and investigating the cause of the accident while seeing footage that is being sent from CCTV that was set in a crater of volcano in the island. Engineers are trying to approach to the crater because the CCTV footage is showing them something uncanny objects wandering in the abyss of the crater. Their path of exploring would continue only for a certain period of time, but the CCTV footage would be continuing to show the incidents from outside of their fixed time path. Although they(and we) can operate the CCTV head partly and casually with common tool, they(and we) have no any confirmation to be able to arrive there.
Shu Isaka | 伊阪柊
Videographer, Visual artist, VR artist, Volcano hunter, Voiceover, making various analogical dispositif that intersects environmental scientific discourses and perceptual discourses through digital movie making process.
Recent activity : Exploring methods for approaching to the Ring of Fire (also known as circum-Pacific earthquake belt) as Hyperobjects.