David Rodríguez Gimeno
Three works in which machines are coping processes performed by the person, pointing out parts that do not seem important but constitute the fundamental content.
The way to build images is transformed into a complete subject. The transition between the analogue and the machine that reconstructs, going through the digital and returning to an analogical physical again, as returning to reality.It is a trace of the observer process, and become something real again.
Movement 190104, 2019.
Three vertical frames moves along, copying the camera rotation, the walking of the eyes along the horizon, compensating these pan movement and transforming it into a translation one.
The camera turn this rhythm of looking with its speeds and pauses, transforms into a movement rebuilding the panoramic space in the observer mind, the frame looks like a window showing a pre-existing space. This travel as a fundamental part, as the main content, reinforced by the engines sound in a kind of movement´s synaesthesia.
The machine copying the movement of the one who was watching, becomes a replicating organism, but leaving space for unbalances, to no tune moments that give clues of the falseness of the reconstruction that could seem natural, that allows to glimpse the warps of the artifice that sustains it.
Ph mirror (historical pendulum), 2004-2019
The structure that guides the movement through space, the memory of that travel. A new paper sculpture copies the movement the artist had made in the performance with the stainless steel on. Transforms that copy of the movement's memory into something far away from the referent by constructing something new, real and autonomous.
The repeated action and how it generates a different and prolonged structure over time.
Cassa, 2010-2017
A film that draws on the wall, a narrative time space transformed into a drawing that responds to the narrative structure, that outline of the narration on the wall, when connecting the projector is set in motion showing us the film content.
Three aspects where the machines are making visible what happened in the observer, processes that are behind what we understand as real, closing the circle reality // abstract process // reality.
Reality is also how we build realities.