まじめな機械/ "diligent machine"
size/length: 2m x 2m x 6m
year of production: 2019
medium(technique): mixed
Working on sound based works for years, I notice myself obeying the sound always. It means, you have to hear and follow what a sound says to you. It says, for example, “louder please!”, “use heavier mallet!” or “slowly!!”. In this way, sounds always talk to you to realize a work together. Woods and metals also talk to you.This machine looks not working to in the meaning of our efficient society. But it is already a gifted results of amounts of communications and it also suggests you to re-think if we are efficient, what is efficiency and what is work.
Nao Nishihara
is an active practitioner of sound activities, sound art, performance and instruments production. His interests and motivations are developing to the body and objects as they are necessary to make sound. And the developments extends his activity area across art and music interdisciplinary. His exhibitions include, Singing in the Rain (2019, Bankart Yokohama Japan), Kangkangee Art Project (2018, Busan Korea), Hiroshima City Contemporary Art Museum (2017, Hiroshima) Roppongi Crossing 2016 (2016, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo). He performed at Super Deluxe Tokyo, Experimental Intermedia NY, Judson Memorial Church NY, Issue Project Room (with Aki Onda, 2016, NY) and Archa Theatre (with Min Tanaka, 2017, Prague). He did the Japanese translation of the books Sound Art (by Alan Licht, Film Art Inc., 2010) along with Kazue Kobata and Hiroshi Egaitsu, and A Brief History of Music (by H.U. Obrist, Film Art Inc., 2015) with Fumiko Uchiyama and others.