8月 19日 (SAT) 15:00 – 17:00/ 免費參觀 (分級需18歲以上)
地點/ Location:台北台電大樓2樓204視聽室/ 2F - screening room 204 of Taiwan Power Company
阿根廷國際影像詩歌藝術節影片單元/ Screening program of VideoBardo International Videopoetry Festival
策展人/ Curators : Javier Robledo, Marisol Belusci.
簡介/ Introduction
VideoBardo 國際錄像詩節,成立於1996 年,已在19 個國家的重要場館展出過。我們理解 videopoesía – 錄像詩 - 由詩的語言主導的任何影音作品。移動影像、聲音領域以及具詩意和實驗性的口語表達出一個和諧的對話。我們也了解,影像詩超出了錄像本身的技術,且能以電影、電子詩歌、影音表演、裝置、投影機、雷射光、全息影像、火與影子等不同方式呈現。本次我們為Osmosis 滲透藝術節帶來阿根廷的影像詩,以單頻道模式呈現不同的美學和風格。
VideoBardo International Videopotry Festival was founded in 1996 and has appeared in important venues in 19 countries. We understand for videopoesía, any audiovisual work in which the poetic verbal language have the leadership. So the moving image, sound universe, and the poetic and experimental verbality are a dialogue in a whole harmony. We also understand that videopoetry exceeds the own video's technology and can be presented in different formats as cinema, electronic poetry, audiovisual performance, installation, precarious projectors, laser, moving holography, fire, and shadows, etc. We bring to the Festival Osmosis a selection of Argentine videopoetry. The criterion is to present different aesthetics and styles, in this case in single-channel mode.
藝術家&作品/ List of artists & works:
Melisa Aller, VALOR DE USO / VALOR DE CAMBIO, 04:00, 2013
Marisol Belusci, Secuencia, 01:34, 2014 / Deben saber, 01:00, 2015
Rodrigo Etem,St III / ser cosa, 01:11, 2014
Alejandro Fontana,TodoSobre, 03:15, 2009
Ileana Gomez Gavinoser,Cosmos en Formación, 03:10, 2006
Miguel Gonzalez, MOUNSTRO_TEXTO, 6:19, 2016
Las Dominguez de Ramos,Templanza, 02:12, 2016
Carlos Martins, Exploración de los signos, 02:50, 2016
Mariana Mattar, Azar, 03:54, 2014
Ignacio Mendía, Parasitopollillacorazón, 02:40, 2012
Juan Miceli, Kaosensamble, 01:52, 2013
MaríaPapi, La caracola, 06:06, 2014
MartínPintus,This video does not exist, 2:09, 2014
Javier Robledo, Diógenesfortuito, 04:18, 2009 / P-O-E-S-I-A, 05:06, 2007
Luis Saray, Titivillus and the virgins, 1:10, 2015
Sebastian Semino, Intruso, 03:25, 2014
SilvinaSperling, Bilingual dueto, 06:14, 1994
Ernesto Baca / PipoLernoud,Tierra queanda, 01:44, 2010/ Las cosascompuestas, 01:33, 2010

Melisa Aller
synopsis: The sublime charm (by the commodity fetishism of the merchancy). Consumption that
consumes us. Rays in cages and economic rationality are creating monsters. You are surrounded in the yard of the things. There is no culture, no beauty, no universality. The value of use/exchange, makes you lose sight of life itself.

Marisol BellusciSecuencia, 01:34, 2014
synopsis: Experimental reutilization of found celluloid film strip. Subjective disassembled through analog and digital interventions.Deben saber, 01:00, 2015 synopsis: Recycling fragments of film found in the streets. It emphasizes the reused of the film material with an unusual intervention process of the supports and audiovisual medias, expanding the possible mistakes printed on the celluloid strip. A deconstruction from its form of reproduction and post-production is subverting the continuity through obsolete projections, prisms, mismatches, textures and intervened slides.

Rodrigo Etem
St III / ser cosa, 01:11, 2014
synopsis: This is a part of his series "to be a thing", in that the artist gives a Conceptual and instrumental approach to destabilize the logic of the reality, generating fissures in the reason. These fissures are given by the way of perceiving the objects that although habitual and daily, are reorganized in a different way causing a short circuit bending.

Alejandro Fontana
TodoSobre, 03:15, 2009
synopsis: Double pseudo-political discourse of two TV journalists are intervened in the sonic and visual way with texts and signs that disrupt the supposed logic of the story.

Ileana Gómez Gavinoser
Cosmos en Formación, 03:10, 2006
synopsis: Diverse forms and colors dance in a poetic and plastic way, accompanied by a text that is in
an experimental reading and in a communion with the image.

Miguel González
MOUNSTRO_TEXTO, 6:19, 2016
synopsis: It disintegrates, it self-corrupts, it dilutes and emerges, transpacific debunks and spits; this empties the picture, spreads it out and disengages, stun it, program and throw up to invoke, is fake news, run away rotten between formats, The word is the column, also is empty

Las Domínguez de Ramos
Templanza, 02:12, 2016
synopsis: This stresses the fourth moral virtue raised by Saint Thomas Aquinas through the word andcommunion for salvation. The texts are from the Divine Comedy.

Carlos Martins
Exploración de los signos, 02:50, 2016
synopsis: Body and sense. Body and crossing. Body-Sign in becoming. Poetry is an event of the body. The body is the poem of life. To apprehend that fleetingness, this impossible in the image, in the sound, in the imminence of the desire that habit in us.

Mariana Mattar
Azar, 03:54, 2014
synopsis: Why stone, paper or scissors?: To jump at the hazard, to go in search of the absurd. Pull the lever to see the images formed between stone and paper, between paper and scissors, between scissors and stone. And so in random succession. The scissors cut the tongue, the paper furrows the neck and the stone caresses. And so in random succession.

Ignacio Mendía
Parasitopollillacorazón, 02:40, 2012
synopsis: It´s a part of a series of videos and performances where the author pseudo-scientifically investigates the customs of this strange insect (created by himself), and that is shown in the technique of animation with / a poetry of irony and hope.

Juan Miceli
Kaosensamble, 01:52, 2013
Synopsis: Made it with fragments of a studio that show my interior, and edited after the suspension. In this video, I propose to show "what is inside" (literally) of an artist. How can I respond these questions that obsess me so much as the image of the double floating in sewage?

María Papi
La caracola, 06:06, 2014
synopsis: It investigates the hidden universe, the secrets of the woman in her sexual aspect, and the diversity that it produces. The liquid goes through the work in a provocative videoartístic treatment of diverse sensations.

Martín Pintus
This video does not exist, 2:09, 2014
synopsis: verb-audiovisual video poetry about the differences between presentation and representation, wrong and right, and the parallel meanings between these two pairs.

Javier Robledo
Diógenesfortuito, 04:18, 2009
synopsis: It is a take that document a public meditation group. The author reflects on the entrance of a dog to this circle, assimilating it with the Greek anti philosopher, and reflecting on this strange event.
P-O-E-S-I-A, 05:06, 2007
synopsis: The Poetry can emerge from the street, from the public space; cobble street poetry in coincidence with the lyrics, rotates and is made to turn in a dynamic back and forth that provokes different readings.

Luis Saray
Titivillus and the virgins, 1:10, 2015
synopsis: Titivillus: demon in charge to steal words and change texts in the medieval period when the monastic scribes copied the Bible - first book reproduced in series- / This video is an expropriation and a corrupt appropriation, made it be played in loop, moments of black screen are interspersed with moments of apparitions of a corrupt virgin that has manifested itself as several altered copies of an image of the Virgin Mary, Whose purity is subjected in each copy to any simple glitch treatment; Each resulting image is accompanied by some altered audio extracted from porn records where can be heard different female voices saying "ooooh my God!". The intervals of silence invite to the contemplation working as a counterbalance of the fragments with phonemes manipulated in function of an iconic sound perception, of an alternative audio vision to the terrestrial world.

Sebastian Semino
Intruso, 03:25, 2014
Synopsis: The layers of the onion always reveal new contents, philosophically cut by the noise of a chainsaw in an apparent country calm; this contrasts and contradicts voluntarily the message image, sound, and word.

Silvina Sperling
Bilingualdueto, 06:14, 1994
synopsis: The wall space cut by the projection gives the first dialogue in different languages fromdifferent people. To this are added the contemporary dancers with their own verbal and corporal dialogue that interact with a whole of poetry dance at different levels

Ernesto Baca / Pipo Lernoud
PipoLernoud,Tierra queanda, 01:44, 2010
synopsis: This video is a fragment of the film Gardens of Ernesto Baca, in a fixed take, the poem by Pipo Lernoud eliminates the separation and the dichotomy of the man with nature.
Lascosascompuestas, 01:33, 2010
synopsis: As in the previous video about another fragment of Gardens of Ernesto Baca, the Pipo Lernoud eye's scrutinizes the nature of the things and their interrelations in a poetic form.